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Seventh Woods
Hey yo! This kid is only fourteen years old. Sh**!! I can give you all a grantee he is the best player in Japan if he plays here. It’s include the JBL and bj league. And I think he’s better than LeBron when he was 14. Man!!!!
いやー、たった14歳っすよ。もうね、彼が日本でプレイしてたら既に一番上手い選手になれます、今の時点で。勿論、JBL and bjの選手もいれて。しかもレブロンの14歳のときよりも絶対にいーと思う。Tyrek Evansも16歳の時点では、レブロンよりも凄いって騒がれてましたしね。俺はしっかりその記事覚えてる。
#SeventhWoods #fourteenyearsold #newschool #betterthanlebron #OMG
NBA playoffs 2013
(1) Miami Heat vs. (8) Milwaukee Bucks
(4) Brooklyn Nets vs. (5) Chicago Bulls
(3) Indiana Pacers vs. (6) Atlanta Hawks
(2) New York Knicks vs. (7) Boston Celtics
(1) Oklahoma City Thunder vs. (8) Houston Rockets
(4) Los Angeles Clippers vs. (5) Memphis Grizzlies
(3) Denver Nuggets vs. (6) Golden State Warriors
(2) San Antonio Spurs vs. (7) Los Angeles Lakers
I think that the Clippers and the Grizzlies series is the toughest one. They did game seven last year. Clippers and Nuggets, both they resemble the team when Mavs won the championship. I couldn’t expect they could win tho. I wish NYK takes all way, but I think OKC will get a chip.
#playoffs #somethinghappen #seriousfights #nokobebryant