カテゴリー別アーカイブ: ALL

Russ Smith

The NCAA finals will be Louisville against Michigan. It’s gonna be great one! Russ Smith is from Brooklyn, NY. He’s so NY!!!

#RussSmith #louisville #michigan #ncaa #gotothebasket #brooklynallday

Isaiah Thomas

It’s the most difficult buzzer beating floater.

#IsaiahThomas #kings #buzzerbeat #lefty #sacramento

Nate the GREAT

Nate Robinson made a big winning shot against the Brooklyn Nets. I’m pretty sure that D-Rose is not 100% now, and he’s a garbage.

やっぱり、Nate Robinson好きやわー。このフローターお手本!わたくし彼が持ってる、ポジティブな空気感ってゆーのか、雰囲気が凄くすき。チームを良い方向に持ってける魅力的な人。Rose中途半端なら戻って来なくて、playoffs 2nd roundくらいから、six manで良くない?

#chicago #bulls #NateRobinson #floater #

