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Aaron Williams A.K.A. The Problem

The Problem from Team 914 got the MVP of the Dyckman park last summer, 2012. Nobody stops him when he concentrates. He couldn’t make the NBDL league, but he was def No.1 on the street court include the NBA players.

Aaron “The Problem” Williamsくん。NYCの強豪チームの一つ、TEAM 914のエースです。ダラダラ流す試合が多いのですが、集中している時の彼は全く別人デス。クロスオーバーのキレも半端ないっすー。

#dyckman #theproblem #allday #team914 #AaronWilliams



Patrick Ewing


#classic #PatrickEwing #MichaelJordan #dunkon #chicago #newyork #legends

Miami Heat Harlem Shake

I will be at the Knicks vs Heat game this Sunday.

明後日のKnicks vs Miamiの試合行ってきます。
