LeBron James’s the TOP 3 NBA players of ALL TIME

He already got better than Dr.J and Larry, I think. What y’all think?

#LeBronJames #MichaelJordan #JuliusErving #ErvinJohnson #MagicJohnson #LarryBird #MosesMalone #KareemAbdulJabar #NBA #Miami #Heat #ChrisBosh #ChrisAndersen #KobeBryant #DrJ #BillRussel


Summer is serious

#KevinDurant #ShirtsnSkins #JamesHarden #Nike #SummerIsSerious #NYC #brooklyn


Kwame Alexander

This happen was team Philly from the Chosen league played against the team LA from the Drew league at Gersh Park in New York.

先週末、Nike Tournament of Champions in BKにて、フィラデルフィアとロスの試合が、East New Yorkで行われました。このアレキサンダーくんマジで飛びますね。いやー、流石LA。ラッパーのThe Gameのチーム、Money Gangでプレイしてるそー。すかいはーーーい。

#KwameAlexander #TOC #Drewleague #Chosenleague #dunkonyou #thegame

